Rumiyah #11 The speech by the Caucasian American leader in the Islamic State.

Abul Hassan is the Caucasian American of Greek heritage John Thomas Georgelakis, written about on this Blog in this post:

As I indicated on many occasions the most powerful weapon in the hands of IS, is its Caucasian fighters, since they are the ones who are most suitable to use against the West, in the pursuit of martyrdom operations in western cities. John Thomas Georgelakis is the son of a wealthy former air force officer in the US Airforce, his story and many others like him such as this Caucasian an Australian Caucasian who is also a trained doctor, their stories shatter the false narrative peddled by the corporate media of maladjusted , foreign misfits, who could not assimilate into their host countries and therefore sought vengeance by joining the Islamic State. The numerous wealthy and middle class Caucasians in IS, points to a greater problem that the west is faced with, that of wealthy, privileged Caucasian males and females, with the ability to move undisturbed and undetected in the highest echelons of western society, it is these persons who will wreak unimaginable havoc in their home countries and beyond, if the western societies do not govern in a more humane manner. The following is a speech by Georgelakis in his persona as official IS spokesman. 


All praise is due to Allah, who said in His Book, “And when the believers saw the confederates, they said, ‘This is what Allah and His Messenger had promised us, and Allah and His Messenger spoke the truth.’ And it increased them only in faith and acceptance” (Al-Ahzab 22).
I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, alone and without partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and messenger, whom Allah sent with the sword before the Hour as a bringer of glad tidings and a warner, and as a caller to Allah with His permission and an illuminating lamp.
Through him Allah established the proof, clarified the correct path, and brought triumph to the true religion. He waged jihad in the path of Allah until the religion became upright by him.
May Allah’s blessings and abundant peace be upon him, and upon his family. As for what follows: Indeed, from the sunnah (established way) of Allah which neither alters nor changes is that He tests His believing slaves, as He  has informed us with His statement, “Do the people think that they will be left to say, ‘We believe’ and they will not be tried? But We have certainly tried those before them, and Allah will surely make evident those who are truthful, and He will surely make evident the liars” (Al-Ankabut2-3).
He also said, “And if Allah had willed, He could have taken vengeance upon them [Himself], but [He ordered armed struggle] to test some of you by means of others. And those who are killed in the cause of Allah - never will He waste their deeds” (Muhammad4).

Thus, it was it was a must for the believer to accustom himself to facing trials. It is mentioned in the qudsi hadith which the Messenger g narrates from his Lord, “Indeed, my Lord commanded me to teach you what you are ignorant of, from among that which He taught me today. [He said,] ‘Every wealth which I grant to [My] slave is halal. Indeed, I created all My slaves inclining to tawhid, and indeed the devils came to them and took them away from their religion, forbade from them what I had permitted for them, and ordered them to ascribe partners to me for whom I have not revealed any authority.’ And indeed Allah looked to the people of the earth and detested them – the Arabs among them and the non-Arabs – except for some who remained from among the people of the Scripture, and He said, ‘I have only sent you in order to try you and to try by way of you, and I have revealed to you a book which water cannot wash (i.e. which will be preserved in the people’s breasts), and which you will read while asleep and while awake(i.e. with ease).’

And indeed Allah commanded me to burn Quraysh, so I said, ‘My Lord, then they will split my head like a piece of bread.’ He said, ‘Expel them as they expelled you, raid them and we will aid you, spend and We shall spend on you, send forth an army and We shall send forth five of its like, and fight those who disobey you with those who obey you’” (Reported by Muslim).

The speech was much longer and only a few lines from the first part were posted here. The fact that the scion of a wealthy Caucasian American family, is willingly and deliberately a propagandist, of arguably the most brutal terrorist group in modern history, speaks volumes. Georgelakis is one of the first westerners to have joined the Islamic State in fact he threatened war with Al Baghdadi if he did not declare, the Islamic State. Georgelakis and Musa Cerantonio are two of the most known propagandist’s of the Islamic State, who were well known as a result of their prolific online writing and lectures. Cerantonio’s Youtube videos are still online for anyone to watch and listen to. The narrative of the wild eyed Arab terrorist continues to be shattered by these wealthy Western Caucasians who are represented throughout the Islamic State, they are the most potent weapons in IS’ arsenal against the West , its values, security and people.  
