The Latest video from Hay’at Taḥrīr al-Shām: “Archers of Terror #1”.

 This is the latest from the jihadist group named in the title of this brief post.
Before I write further I want to clarify certain points and also clarify the stance of this Blog, its interest’s and those it is attempting to reach and enlighten. This Blog is being written from an Apostolic perspective which means that I Wade A Bailey the person behind this Blog, believes in theocracy. Theocracy meaning rule of mankind by the writ, creed, and guidance laid down in the Holy Bible, which consists of the Torah (Law of God) and the New Testament (New Covenant). Apostolic means the belief in the Bible as being divinely inspired by God, God in this instance is the God of Isaac/Ishak, Abraham/Avrahim and Jacob/Yakub.
Here Judaism, Islam, and Apostolic doctrine (not Christianity) are accepted as true and literally the word of God. We reject polytheism, even that which is taught in ‘Christianity’, as idolatry (Arabic the word is shirk).
This Blog is not in support of Islamic fundamentalism nor jihadism. However, as a result of the abundance of Caribbean people and Caribbean heritage people being in the Islamic State (not only Trinidadians), I had to focus on Islamic fundamentalism and its child jihadism. Many Caribbean jihadists were previously either nominal Christians or of a family with a Christian background.  The examination of video messages on this Blog is to examine, the trends and developments within all jihadist groups globally including al-Qaeda, Islamic State, Jabhat an Nusra and all lesser known groups within the jihadist sphere, politically, militarily and even ideologically. Fundamentalist Islam has radically altered the balance of power globally, the Caribbean being no exception. Presently Trinidad and Tobago is being used by Islamist’s to further their multi-pronged agenda. The Jamaat al-Muslimeen of Trinidad will emerge ascendant and as a movement to be reckoned with. Similarly, the Islamic State has people within its ranks who are citizens and indigents of Trinidad and Tobago, IS or ISIS will continue to radically alter the social fabric in Trinidad in furthering its aims. The Caribbean is now the perfect staging ground floor spectacular and devastating attacks, which have the ability to supersede even the 9/11 attacks in Manhattan. The so-called super cruise ships, visiting the many ports of call regionally are floating cities waiting to be exploited for terrorist attacks. The military capability of trained members of not only ISIS but other Islamist groups resident in Trinidad far surpasses that of any military or police force throughout the Caribbean. The clashes that can happen between trained jihadists in the region and regional police and military will be one sided and will end disastrously in the preliminary phases of the coming clash between state and jihadist actors in the Caribbean. Subsequently the video that will be shown here is proof of the capability that jihadist groups have militarily, technologically et al.   
It is my prayer that those of you who regularly use this Blog for information that you do not make the mistake of taking these matters lightly for you will perish if you take this matter lightly. Blessings.
