The Originators of Hip Hop Fashion.

All persons involved in the smoking of Cannabis products and any other drug for that matter are involved with various forms of esotericism and or occultism (occult here denotes esoteric or hidden) ,whether this is done consciously or unconsciously, even Hip-Hop culture has very subliminal occultic elements that they incorporate into their musical delivery.

Examples of occult content in Hip-Hop are as follows the Hip-Hop duo outcast spoke of U.F.O, s in the beginning stages of their musical career,

They openly advocated the smoking of Cannabis Sativa although Andre had gone on record in denouncing Cannabis Bigboi still maintains his use of Cannabis.

Many other Hip-Hop groups and personalities more often than not promote the intake of Cannabis as a direct supernatural experience Red Man an infamous rapper has openly gone on record stating that he is a believer in the occult.

The super group WutangClan is one of the most overt occultic groups.

Their exaltation of all things oriental and their incorporation of ancient Chinese occult knowledge into their music and logo,s .

The word occult means that which is hidden, hidden that is to noninitiates.

Therefore occultism suggest,s knowledge that one can attain through stages or degrees.

All ancient Chinese philosophers from Tsun-Tzu to Confucious drew their philosophical taught from the religion of Buddhism , Buddhism came to China by way of India specifically (Nepal once under direct Indian rule).

Thereafter it spread throughout the Orient and Fareast by monks at other times it was introduced into new regions through conquest by warlords.

All persons who have delved into the culture of the fareast will know that they were and still are in some cultures nature worshippers .

The Shinto religion of Japan is still the national religion of the country.

Shintoism holds that the emperor is a God and the Japanese people are his earthly subjects .

Their belief system of duty and self sacrifice is not only part of their culture it is also a religious observance.

Seppukku ritual suicide is still practised today in Japan, nature worship is called Baalism in the bible and is strictly prohobited .

The national symbol in most oriental cultures for strength and power is the dragon , in the bible the dragon represents Satan .

The occultic nature of many fareastern nature religions can be traced directly back to the fall of  man in the garden . The mark of a cult is it,s deification of man (nature,or spirit,s sic demon,s ) and it,s denial of the messiahship of  Jesus.

All this was said to alert parents to the dangers that their children are faced with while being exposed to a culture that is occultic in itscontent.

I will examine here for the benefit of young people a particular strain of Rap music called Gangster Rap.

I will like to make it perfectly clear that I understand young people tend to relate to certain aspects of Hip-Hop and the positive impact this culture has made in the black community yet I cannot in good conscience promote any form of occultism be it in Hip-Hop music or any other art form .

The entrepreneurship of some in Hip-Hop is commendable their methods of delivery and packaging of their musical content is detrimental to certain portions of my community, therefore the balance will have to be maintained a grown man promoting ancient Chinese occultism on a raprecord might be overtly espousing a particular philosophy for his purposes that is his prerogative .

When his music hit’s the music retail outlet’s and is then bought by any member of the community especially young children their material becomes a privately owned consumer product and is subject to scrutiny by persons of my trade.

This is the reason I have included the culture of Hip-Hop I have however only lightly touched on this subject volumes can be written on the subject I will dissect one more aspect of this genre of music and then we will move on.

The genre of Hip-Hop music called Gangster Rap was best expressed in the person of Tupac Amaru Shakur his name is an Inca name, of an Indian mythological chief meaning shining serpent.

Tupac was the son of a former Black Panther his whole ideology and pro blackrhetoric, is as a direct result of being brought up by a Black Panther.
After Shakur, s near fatal shooting he was contracted to Death Row records headed by music mogul Suge Knight.
Knight was a South Central Los Angeles resident who maintained ties to a street gang known as the Tree Top Piru, s.

The Pirus are a Blood gang of the infamous Los Angeles Bloods the Cripsarethe famous rivals of the Bloods.

Knight was the sole owner of Death Row records at the time he owned the masters of all his artist’s and paid them royalty checks off the million’s that they generated for his company.

In reality that type of business arrangement is a form of indentured servitude which is the reason there are now so many independent labels on the Rap musicscene.

Tupac Shakur upon his arrival at Death row was contracted to release a double album the album sold millions of copies.

Yet Tupac himself died a pauper the house and car that were supposedly his were leased to him the actual ownership of his home has been proven from documented evidence to belong to  the business entity called Death Row Records.

One thing is very clear from the way Knight did business;he made sure that the artist’s

were forever indebted to him that is in effect a form of indentured servitude.

Many youth today foolishly and naively revere Shakur as infallible claiming he staged his own death sadly it is all an illusion.

Tupac Shakur did not die as a black Christ or as a sacrificial lamb for young black people.

 The dominant lifestyle amongst young people worldwide today is the gangster lifestyle.

There are young children globally perpetrating what Tupac and his peers made palatable to the children of the world, today the main gangster idol is Fifty cent.

Curtis Jackson the name of “50 Cent”. Fifty cent is a persona that Jackson created around himself. Jackson grew up in Southside Queens Jamaica, a neighbourhood notorious for drug dealing, and a very high level of organized criminal gang activity. The pseudonym, Jackson coopted is a street name that Kelvin Martin, a modern  day Billy the Kid, went by. Martin a Brooklynite from the Fort Green projects,  was gunned down by police at the age of twenty two. The basis for including the afore mentioned information is an attempt to establish who the idols of many “gangsta” rappers are. A particular type of culture has been created around criminals and villains, in that they are mythologized and made a part of pop culture, not only gangster rap but Western pop culture in general and in particular Hollywood. 
Films like Scarface, and all the other drug and gangster flicks not only glorify street culture, but they also make street culture popular culture.

Blow : (is street slang for Cocaine), the 1990’s film starring Johnny Depp and Penelope Cruz, made Cocaine seem cool and artsy.The inculcation of specifically Cocaine into Hollywood culture was no coincidence, it was a methodical planned occurence. By giving drug use mass appeal Hollywood began conditioning generations for permanent drug addiction, it was all about the bottom line money. (Authors note Curtis Blow of Rappers Delight fame, took his psuedonym from the slang term for Cocaine).
AZ the famous Harlem drugdealer who partnered with Alpo and made huge amounts of money  huge amounts of money in the drug game along with his partner Rich Porter and Alberto “Alpo” Martinez. Martinez was known for sporting the fashions now popularized by “gangster rappers”. Alpo was arrested in 1992 on drug charges, after he was senteced to life Alpo turned “snitch and ratted out”, Wayne “Silk” Perry in exchange for a lighter sentence.

Figure .  Alberto Martinez sporting the fashion that New York drug dealers popularized in the streets and clubs. The street fashion was later coopted by rappers.
The era of the 1980’s was a time when many legends were created on the streets and later mythologized in prose and verse by rappers. Nas in particular mythologized Kenneth “Supreme” McGriff and his “Dream Team”. Fifty Cent also mythologized Supreme ultimately to his detriment. I will attempt to examine here the street influence in Hip Hop culture and also the spiritual roots of Hip Hop culture.  First though let us take a look at some of the heroes or icons of the rappers. As was stated previously Alpo snitched Wayne Perry to the Feds who was Wayne Perry?. Perry was a famous Washington D.C. based hitman, who was into extortion, drug dealing, and many other nefarious deeds in the pursuit of wealth. For an in depth read on the Wayne Perry story the Kenneth Supreme Mc Griff case et al readers of this blog can check out, the website by Seth Ferranti, a writer who himself is an ex con .
In other portions of this blog I delved exhaustively into the Metaphysical nature of Hip Hop and I will not touch on it here. Suffice it to say that there is enough of a foundation on the blog concerning the origins and root of Hip Hop on the internet, that I would simply be rehashing here. What I will definitely lay claim to is this, Iam the first writer to expose Satanism in Hip Hop culture, I did so in my book Rastafari and its Hindu Origins published in 2004, I later revised the book changing the title to Rastafari and its Shamanist Origins. The present Satanist influence in pop culture can be felt primarily in the entertainment industry. Hip Hop culture from its inception was a metaphysical culture. Resultantly Hip Hop is a culture that is global and at its nexus it employs, metaphysics as a spiritual vehicle, in effect Hip Hop is a vehicle for all things cultural as well as spiritual including evil as well as beneficial aspects of said spirituality.
The above was an aside to the present state of Hip Hop culture in this portion I will like to  examine the man who Alberto Martinez put a hit out on, Michael Fray Salters.

Alberto Martinez way before rappers started sporting the look that drug dealers popularized.
Martinez was undoubtedly a trendsetter and even though he is a snitch many still emulate his fashion sense today. 
