Satanism in Hip Hop: Jay Z the admitted Crowley student and his protege Beyonce.

The information posted on this Blog as pertains to the incidence of overt and covert, occultic and Satanic content in Hip Hop and pop culture. Is not new to this author. I wrote on the subject from the year 1997 to the present. I published the book Rastafari and its Hindu Origins in 2003. In that book I through factual evidence showed that Hip Hop music from its inception was occultic, and I used the words of the rappers to bear up my claims. I not only did that I also showed the symbology on many of the Cd's to be overtly occultic. The word occult does not immediately conjure up in my view something evil or Satanic, what I do know is that occult denotes something that is hidden, and in the jargon of those involved in such things, they hide their knowledge, as they reveal it only to the "insiders'. I do not want to be called a conspiracy theorist, as a result I will again declare that this Blog deals with the global culture from an Apostolic vantage point. Apostolic here denotes the teachings of Jesus as laid down in the bible. With that being said keep an open mind as you will discover that the material offered here is exhaustively researched and the info is sourced. You can go and check it yourselves.

In the  post prior to this I examined Jay Z and Beyonce and their protege's I want to continue that examination. In light of the plethora of information on the Internet pertaining to the subject I will stick to an explanation of some of their content and the symbolism surrounding them from an Apostolic paradigm.
The Book of the Law. Do What Thou Wilt, Jay Z qoute.
Aleister Crowley the person Jay Z calls a teacher, the above excerpt "DO WHAT THOU WILLT' is from his book shown above, entitled The Book of The Law. Crowley was also an avid Kabbalist. The so called Chakral Path called the Unholy Sephiroth is also called the Knowledge of Good and Evil. 
Above is an illustration of the Chakral path, also called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil i.e. the Unholy Sephiroth., which is a body of demonic entities that brought so called spiritual enlightenment to men. The Chakra's were shown to men by angels fallen, it was fallen angels that taught men how to create magic et al, as a means of self advancement.
Aleister Crowley was an avid Kabbalist and wizard, he openly espoused the use of Hindu mysticism et al as a means of spiritual advancement.
Aleister Crowley the satanist who Jay Z credits as being an influence in his life. Jay Z called Crowley his "teacher" and has the famous satanic bible qoute oft used by Crowley as his personal mantra, emblazoned on sweatshirts for his Roc a Wear imprint.
Many examples of Satanism in pop culture have been shown for the purposes of this Blog I will like to examine some here. 
Above is a photo of a book written by Crowley. The Triquetra, on the top of the scepter, in the hand of the male image on the cover has been incorporated into his Roc Nation logo by Jay Z.

The image at the top is the diamond from Roc Nations logo, turned upside down:(writers note), the current Roc nation logo, was modified from its original format to what it is currently. The Triquetra is represented in the Roc nation logo. The "diamond", is also pyramid shaped which is a very deliberate design on the part of its creator. Since Jay Z is on record stating that he is an occult novice and his company is obviously a vehicle to expand and recruit countless millions into the religion of devil worship.
The triquetra that the male figure on the cover of the book written by Crowley shown at the top of this page bares a similiarity to this one. They are similiar in all respects, the difference is that this one is right side up while the other is up side down. These illustrations in my view are sufficient to give a balanced visual presentation of what is being stated herein. It is not our intent to go into detail on Satanic symbolism. William Schoebelen and his wife Jane, former Wiccans who were initiated into Satanism, wrote a book entitled Lucifer dethroned I suggest their book as a great tool in understanding the symbology used in Satanism. The evidence of Satanism in pop culture is vast and well documented from the inception of the popular arts to the present.
The person that is now well known to many Blog readers and Internet users as John Todd was not the "first' per se to expose or speak on the Satanic "invention" of pop culture. While many are content to pretend that ten men who preside over the so called "Illuminati", are running the world. Satan as an evil force who oppose God is the true author of all wickedness. How then can mere humanbeings come against such a force? Here is where this Blog greatly differ from the mere conspiracy theorization. The intent of this Blog is not to prove or disprove that a vast conspiracy exist's headed by ten men who want to rule the world. The intent of this Blog is to primarily show that Jesus/Yeshua Ha Masshiach foretold all of the things that are presently taking place. The bible has within its pages the prophetic destiny of humanity. The bible is not Western Culture, nor is it African or European culture it is a universal blueprint laid down by the Creator of the Universe that offers a "spiritual alternative", that is guaranteed to achieve its goal.
The insurance for a person who has the Holy Ghost is eternal life should they die in the Messiah, meaning they were living according to the precepts laid down in scripture. Acts 2:38 lays down the foundation of the Gospel of Salvation. What is the use of having vast amounts of knowledge to no avail? what will the people of the world do? when the things that they write about on Blogs really begin to take place where will your place of refuge be? That is the intent of this Blog to offer hope in a world seemingly without hope.
I pray that those who are interested in the contents of this Blog count the cost and soberly ponder within themselves the import of what is being said. I do not use the images of Jay Z and others for views on this Blog. The Gospel is universal it has the ability to touch all aspects of the human experience even pop culture. There will be much more researched material being presented on this Blog, I will delve into the "Christian Church", the Apostate Church, and the Kingdom of God. Jesus said in scripture that he came to establish the Kingdom of Heaven, not churches, Kingdom entails every sphere of human endeavour and incorporates everything in the sphere that God and the angelic beings inhababit.
This Blog post will be updated shortly.

