Hassan Anyabwile Former Jamaat al-Muslimeen leader Speaks.

 “I have earned the right to speak because of my commitment to Islam and because of the blood that gushed forth from me because of speaking out and being critical.

“I speak on the authority of the four 357 magnum bullets from the gun that Mark Guerra gave to Quincy to shoot at me and my home and family.”

Here we are again, 27th of July, and not much has changed except the players.

Those who took up arms to apply corrective surgery to a sick society now have the same diseases as the society. Those whose intention was to change the outta-timing rhythm of society then are now playing mass (or the ass) and jumping in the same band.

That’s why I understand some reasons why Allah took us just to that point and not an inch further.

How did I come to understand this?

By looking at the behaviour of the Muslims who were involved in that militant action—this includes me—you see how the secrets of our hearts have been manifested.

Allah is most wise and knows what he knows before it occurs. He knew that to put power in the hands of a people with certain types of behaviour and lack of spirituality would only lead to dictatorship and destruction.
So I thank Allah that he has not inflicted on Trinidad and Tobago what we Muslims of the Jamaat-al-Muslimeen have manifested.

This is my criticism of us, the leadership and membership of the Jamaat-al- Muslimeen.

I say this without fear or favour, I say this and include myself because I was part of that leadership, part of that Jamaat and I actively took part in attacking a wicked regime to check State terrorism.

I am not pointing any fingers at any group of persons that does not include me; I do not absolve myself because I am no better than anyone else.

So the entire Jamaat-al-Muslimeen, all of us, need to do Muhasabah, or self-criticism if the organisation is not to be relegated to the dustbin of history.

Its membership should stop being a herd of sheep, we who seem to be unaware that Mushurah (consultation) is frank and without fear. This is our political system, which is based not only on obedience and following the leader but also on supporting the leader by consultation and checking him in his excesses.

Didn’t Allah say in the Quran in referring to the true Muslim community “…those who carry out their affairs by mutual consultation…”?
I know that this assessment will not be greeted with approval by many, men and women, but it cannot be honestly challenged by anyone.

Others will say that I don’t have the right to criticise the JAM because I left it. My reply to such people is that I have as much right as anyone else in the history of the Jamaat.

If they are honest, no one can write me out of the history of the JAM (I am already seeing attempts to do just that); no one can blame me for the reasons that I left nor can anyone challenge my critique.

Mark Guerra.

I earned that right by suffering the consequences of that assassination attempt which consigned me to a wheelchair and forever changed my life, affected my family and friends, not to mention affected me as a person.
But a long life is one that gives you time to amend, to change your ways and to make Tawbah (repent).

The only person who ever asked for my forgiveness was the shooter himself, Quincy; he sent a message to me from prison asking for my forgiveness.

As for my many friends who literally abandoned me, few have asked me for forgiveness or have reached out to help me or just to enquire how I was going. Those who have done so, I thank you.

But I carry no hate for anyone, even the main plotters who know themselves. So far, two have died and three remain in their arrogance and hostility. May they perish in that state if they don’t rectify themselves.

By their actions against me, they dishonoured themselves and opened a door of treachery that they are unable to close.

I ask Allah that the people and members of the Jamaat stop worshipping man; they must fear only Allah and seek his approval.

I wish the JAM success and I don’t want to see all that work, all that commitment and all those sacrifices disappear due to the arrogance of one or two families.
No 1 Mucurapo belongs to the members of the JAM and the Muslim Community, not to one family. Because men have paid with their lives to ensure that Muslims of African descent have a place to worship without being discriminated against.

A place to build families, to teach our children and to hand down a vibrant Islam that is relevant to the ills of this narco State, with its wicked legislators and evil social customs, a State devoid of justice for all, a State where inequality kills.

A place that will ensure a future for our youths who don’t have to run to Syria behind a false flag or be gunned down in a foolish war with Rasta City or at the hands of corrupt police officers.

We must create that space for the youths to train them to carry this Islamic Movement, not a political party, a place to make them the future leaders of Islam in a world pregnant with the signs of the Last Days.
If we don’t do that, then we have failed our youth, all of whom – not just the children of the leader – are important. Our help and support must embrace all the children of those who sacrificed to establish the JAM with all its faults and successes.

The future is in our hands; failure or success will be our doing and we cannot blame anyone else.

Peace and Bless!
