Turkey a country that perpetuated the 1900’s Armenian genocide pretends to be interested in a “humanitarian”, capacity in the aid of the residents of Kobani, the Syrian border town which is presently besieged by IS fighters, IS has seized more than a third of the town. Turkey is a NATO ally in Obama’s “broad coalition”, Turkey has tanks on the border with Kobani, yet today Friday, October 10, 2014: Turkey’s foreign minister said, “It is not realistic for Turkey to conduct a ground operation on its own”, he told a news conference with visiting NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg. Turkey has fought a decade’s long war against the PKK a Marxist Kurdish group, additionally, Syria is a majority Shiite led government, which is a religious sect that is diametrically opposite the Sunni influenced Turkish regime. Frankly Turkey‘s leader Erdogan seemingly harbours a strategic vision of Turkish hegemony over the Sunni Arabs regionally. Turkey’s enemies are largely Shiites, Alawites and Kurds, the Islamic State is fighting the aforementioned, the waiting game played by Turkey makes perfect sense, in that Turkey is allowing its enemies to be slaughtered, by IS a Sunni militant sect that has received Turkish support in the past and may still be the recipient of covert Turkish support.
 A six point peace plan crafted by Kofi Anan a man closely allied to George Soros, would be placed in effect on February 2012, the plan called for a cease fire between government and rebel forces. The Brookings Institute issued publications in March 2012 one titled “Saving Syria: Assessing options for Regime Change”, documented admissions that Syrian rebels were cooperating with Al Qaeda, carrying out an increasing amount of sectarian violence, it detailed how Annan’s “peace plan”, would be used to create a “safe haven”, on Syrian territory from where  further attacks could be launched. The publication reveals Washington’s agenda of fighting the most cost effective war possible in achieving its ultimate goal of overthrowing the Syrian government. Some direct quotes from the report will shed more light on the present Obama administration strategy in Syria and Iraq: “Alternatively, the United States might calculate that it is still worthwhile to pin down the Asad regime and bleed it, keeping a regional adversary weak, while avoiding the costs of direct intervention. The hope is that the United States could fight a ‘clean’ war from 10,000 feet and leave the dirty work on the ground to the Free Syrian Army, perhaps even obviating massive commitment to Iraq-style nation building”. 
The scenario enacted in Iraq and Libya, is now being repeated in Syria, NATO allied nations granted diplomatic support to governments led by exiled Libyans in exchange for lucrative contracts once the Khadafi regime was overthrown. The United Kingdom budgeted $500
million on NATO’s intervention in Libya. The UK Department of Trade and Investment estimated that contracts to rebuild the nation in areas varying from healthcare and education to electricity and water supplies were valued at upwards of 300 billion over a ten-year period.
The profitability of the Libyan intervention in terms of dollars and cents were not only made tangible by “re-development” contracts, but by the allied NATO, powers gaining access to Libyas vast natural resources. Libya has the world’s largest proven oil reserves in Africa and the fifth largest in the world with 76.4 billion barrels as of 2010. The violence now engulfing much of the Middle East and specifically the geographic area shown on the map is sectarian in nature one of its most insidious characteristics is the attacks on minorities, in Syria, Libya and Iraq by largely Sunni Jihadist’s. Attacks on Druze, Alawites, Christians and even Sunni’s who resist joining Jihadist groups are manifesting in all three of the countries previously mentioned.  Former British Intelligence officer Alastair Crooke commented on the nature of the attacks and how they were not characteristic to the cultural region to which Syria belongs , he went on to suggest that the methods used were typical of those used in the Iraq war: “This type of killing, beheadings, slitting of throats (of children too), and of this mutilation of bodies, has been a characteristic not of Levantine Islam, not of Syria, not of Lebanon, but what happened in the Anbar province of Iraq. And so it seems to point very much in the direction of groups that have been associated with the war in Iraq against the United States who have perhaps returned to Syria, or perhaps Iraqis who have come up from Anbar to take part in it. I think the attack is more close to Musab al- Zarqawi who declared an all out war on Shia in Iraq, than al-Qaeda as we know it, in the sense that Zarqawi and Iraq gave birth to this very strong, bigoted, anti-Shia, anti- Iranian rhetoric. Much of that came into Syria when fighters from Anbar returned to their homes around Homs and Hama. So yes, we are talking about al-Qaeda like groups that are at the very end of the spectrum of the opposition. They may be a minority in terms of the numbers of the overall opposition, but they are defining the war”.  It is clear then from all of the evidence presented thus far, that Western powers and in particular America, have knowingly promoted sectarianism, as a cloak for their engineerd, Middle East revolution the “Arab Spring”. It is no coincidence that the IS is a Sunni jihadist movement, Western powers allied to the US and their Middle Eastern proxies, carefully nurtured groups like IS and Al Qaeda as a means of dis-empowering all of the Shia led regimes in the Middle East chief of which are Iran and Syria.
Confirming my claims is an article published in the New Yorker by journalist Seymour Hersh entitled: “The Redirection: Is the Administration’s new policy benefiting our enemies in the war on terrorism?”  here is a relevant excerpt from the article: “To undermine Iran, which is predominantly Shiite, the Bush Administration has decided, in effect, to reconfigure its priorities in the Middle East. In Lebanon, the Administration has cooperated with Saudi Arabia’s government, which is Sunni, in clandestine operations that are intended to weaken Hezbollah, the Shiite organization that is backed by Iran.
The U.S. has also taken part in clandestine operations aimed at Iran and its ally Syria. A by-product of these activities has been the bolstering of Sunni
extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam and are hostile to America and
sympathetic to Al Qaeda”. Hersh cites as key architects behind the policy shift US Vice-President Dick Cheney, former Deputy National Security Advisor Elliott Abrams, former US Ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad, and Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the former Saudi National-Security Advisor.
The following documented evidence is a disturbing look into the mind of a veritable psychopath, who is allied to Washington’s top elite political echelon, in a 2005 interview journalist Trish Schuh spoke to Ziad Abdel Nour, Nour is a corporate financier and founder of Black Hawk Partners as well as chairman of the neo-Con run “United States Committee for a free Lebanon”, his fellow committee members are: Morris Amitay of the Jewish Institute for National Security
Affairs, Michael Rubin of the American Enterprise Institute, and PNAC signatories
Paula Dobriansky, James Woolsey, Frank Gaffney, and Daniel Pipes. Is it any surprise that his fellow committee members are largely of Jewish heritage?  Even though they are mainly American Jews, their machinations and intrigues reflect the Zionist regimes fear that Iran poses an “existential threat”, to Israel and by extension every person of Jewish heritage on the planet.
I have indicated previously that this book is not in support of any regime, as I only advocate the Holy theocracy of Yeshua Ha Masshiach, not Zionism nor the state of Israel, or any other human built system of governance. I will quote from an extensive excerpted interview mentioned previously by Trish Schuh of Ziad Abdel Nour a psychopath and Machiavellian by his own admittion: 
“Both the Syrian and Lebanese regimes will be changed- whether they like it or not-
whether it’s going to be a military coup or something else… and we are working on it.
We know already exactly who’s going to be the replacements. We’re working on it with
the Bush administration.
These guys who came to power, who rule by power, can only be removed by power.
This is Machiavelli’s power game. That’s how it is. This is how geopolitics — the war
games, power games — work. I know inside out how it works, because I come from a
family of politicians for the last 60 years. Look, I have access to the top classified
information from the CIA from all over the world. They call me, I advise them. I know
exactly what’s going on. And this will happen.
This Bashar Al Assad-Emil Lahoud regime is going to go whether it’s true or not.
When we went to Iraq whether there were weapons of mass destruction or not, the key
is — we won. And Saddam is out! Whatever we want, will happen. Iran? We will not let
Iran become a nuclear power. We’ll find a way; we’ll find an excuse - to get rid of Iran.
And I don’t care what the excuse is. There is no room for rogue states in the world.
Whether we lie about it, or invent something, or we don’t… I don’t care. The end
justifies the means. What’s right? Might is right, might is right. That’s it. Might is right.
So Saddam wanted to prove to the whole world he was strong? Well, we’re stronger-
he’s out! He’s finished. And Iran’s going to be finished and every single Arab regime
that’s like this will be finished. Because there is no room for us capitalists and multi-
nationalists in the world to operate with regimes like this. It’s all about money. And
power. And wealth… and democracy has to be spread around the world. Those who
want to espouse globalization are going to make a lot of money, be happy, their
families will be happy. And those who aren’t going to play this game are going to be
crushed, whether they like it or not!”
The damning publicly recorded document reproduced herein is a devastating piece of evidence, that proves so called “conspiracy theorist’s” have been correct all along, America is a state sponsor of terrorism, Dick Chaney, John McCain and even Barack Obama are all war criminals like the Bushes and many others in the American political hierarchy. America is the least qualified country on this planet that has “the right”, to claim for itself the vanguard of morality, ethical behavior and human rights on this planet. It is no coincidence that the town of Ferguson in St Louis is prominent in the international news presently, the heinous and wanton murders of young black unarmed men throughout the US, from its incessant lynchings and castrations of black males are all in keeping with its record, of human rights violations.
America’s premier ally in the Middle East, the House of Saud, the ultra conservative Wahabist society, which supports Sunni extremists throughout the Middle East and in the Caribbean in the island of Trinidad (the Jamaat al-Muslimeen), even IS has been a recipient of their largesse, in the past and may still be sponsored by the House of Saud. The Saudi Arabian people are separate from the machinations and intrigues of their government, which is the reason ,I specifically designate the House of Saud, as the target of my claims here.
While ptretending to call for humanrights in Syria, The House of Saud from their vaunted glass towers and palaces in Riyad preside over an absolutist monarchial state, where women are denied the right to drive, political parties are prohibited, and capital punishment administered by public beheadings, for crimes such as “witchcraft’, fornication and apostasy from Islam are the order of the day. A vast mis-information campaign was uncovered by French journalist Thierry Messan, in his June 2012 article, Nato preparing Vast Disinformation Campaign. Thierry described what I can only typify as an almost unbelievable, story so vast in it’s implications were it not for previously similar, campaigns globally it would seem impossible, yet Thierry produced proof of his claims that would be hard to refute. The following is Thierry in his own words: “In a few days, perhaps as early as Friday, June 15, at noon, the Syrians wanting to
watch their national TV stations will see them replaced on their screens by TV
programs created by the CIA. Studio-shot images will show massacres that are blamed
on the Syrian Government, people demonstrating, ministers and generals resigning
from their posts, President Al-Assad fleeing, the rebels gathering in the big city centers,
and a new government installing itself in the presidential palace.  This operation of
disinformation, directly managed from Washington by Ben Rhodes, the US deputy
national security adviser for strategic communication, aims at demoralizing the
Syrians in order to pave the way for a coup d’etat. NATO, discontent about the double
veto of Russia and China, will thus succeed in conquering Syria without attacking the
country illegally. Whichever judgment you might have formed on the actual events in
Syria, a coup d’etat will end all hopes of democratization.
The Arab League has officially asked the satellite operators Arabsat and Nilesat to
stop broadcasting Syrian media, either public or private (Syria TV, Al-Ekbariya, Ad-
Dounia, Cham TV, etc.) A precedent already exists because the Arab League had
managed to censure Libyan TV in order to keep the leaders of the Jamahiriya from
communicating with their people. There is no Hertz network in Syria, where TV works
exclusively with satellites. The cut, however, will not leave the screens black.  Actually,
this public decision is only the tip of the iceberg. According to our information several
international meetings were organized during the past week to coordinate the
disinformation campaign. The first two were technical meetings, held in Doha (Qatar);
the third was a political meeting and took place in Riyadh (Saudi Arabia).  The first
meeting assembled PSYOP officers, embedded in the satellite TV channels of Al-Arabiya,
Al-Jazeera, BBC, CNN, Fox, France 24, Future TV and MTV. It is known that since 1998,
the officers of the US Army Psychological Operations Unit (PSYOP) have been
incorporated in CNN. Since then this practice has been extended by NATO to other
strategic media as well.
133 Set up to be shot in Syria’s no man’s land? Channel 4 News, June 8, 2012
They fabricated false information in advance, on the basis of a “story-telling” script
devised by Ben Rhodes’s team at the White House. A procedure of reciprocal validation
was installed, with each media quoting the lies of the other media to render them
plausible for TV spectators. The participants also decided not only to requisition the TV
channels of the CIA for Syria and Lebanon (Barada, Future TV, MTV, Orient News, Syria
Chaab, Syria Alghad) but also about 40 religious Wahhabi TV channels to call for
confessional massacres to the cry of “Christians to Beyrouth, Alawites into the grave!”
In 2011, France 24 served as information ministry for the Libyan CNT, according to a
signed contract. During the battle of Tripoli, NATO produced fake studio films, then
transmitted them via Al-Jazeera and Al-Arabiya, showing phantom images of Libyan
rebels on the central square of the capital city, while in reality they were still far away.
As a consequence, the inhabitants of Tripoli were persuaded that the war was lost and
gave up all resistance.  Nowadays the media do not only support a war, they produce it
themselves”.  The satellite and television stations and cable channels named above , were and still are part of a larger CIA masterminded plot, to create, a totally fictitious narrative, as a means of , supporting a militant western government’ foreign policy and in particular, a Washington led plot, in  overthrowing governments, in “non-compliant states”. An even more damning report than the preceding was written by journalist Charlie Skelton in July 2012, published in the Guardian, entitled “The Syrian opposition: who’s doing the talking?” Skelton details, the warm relationship between the senior members of the Syrian National Council and the West’ most prestigious policy institutions and think tanks, he even detailed how seniors in the SNC, attended private meetings, including the annual Bilderberg Group meetings.  One of those individuals is French Syrian academic Bassma Kodmani. She is a senior official spokesperson for the SNC, Kodmani’s family fled Syria with her, at age ten, following the 1967 Six Day War with Israel.

Kodmani presently devides residences in London, Paris and Egypt, in Egypt she
led the Governance and International Cooperation program for the Middle East and
North Africa at the Ford Foundation. Bassma Kodmani was executive director of a research initiative established by the US based Council on Foreign Relations,the Arab Reform Initiative,in September of 2005, ARI is an institution geared towards the promotion of democracy and reform in the Arab world. ARI was founded by a sub-group of senior diplomats,intelligence officers and financiers within the Council on Foreign Relations’US-Middle East project chaired by former US National Security Advisor Brent Scowcroft . Kodmani is also research director at the Académie Diplomatique Internationale, headed by Jean- Claude Cousseran, former head of the French intelligence service Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure. The US Special Forces Unconventional Warfare Manual offer special insight into Syria’western powers created proxy sectarian war.

 The Commander, United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), defines
[Unconventional Warfare] UW as activities conducted to enable a resistance movement
or insurgency to coerce, disrupt, or overthrow a government or occupying power by
operating through or with an underground, auxiliary, and guerrilla force in a denied
area. The intent of U.S. [Unconventional Warfare] UW efforts is to exploit a hostile
power’s political, military, economic, and psychological vulnerabilities by developing
and sustaining resistance forces to accomplish U.S. strategic objectives. For the
foreseeable future, U.S. forces will predominantly engage in irregular warfare (IW)
operations. Figure 1-3 Phases of Unconventional Warfare
PHASE I: Preparation
Resistance and external sponsors conduct psychological preparation to unify
population against established government or occupying power and prepare
population to accept U.S. support.
PHASE II: Initial Contact
USG [United States Government] agencies coordinate with allied government-in-
exile or resistance leadership for desired U.S. support.
PHASE III: Infiltration
SF [Special Forces] team infiltrates operational area, establishes communications
with its base, and contacts resistance organization.
PHASE IV: Organization
SF [Special Forces] team organizes, trains, and equips resistance cadre. Emphasis is
on developing infrastructure.
PHASE V: Buildup
SF [Special Forces] team assist cadre with expansion into an effective resistance
organization. Limited combat operations may be conducted, but emphasis remains on
PHASE VI: Employment
UW [Unconventional Warfare] forces conduct combat operations until linkup with
conventional forces or end hostilities.
PHASE VII: Transition
UW [Unconventional Warfare] forces revert to national control, shifting to regular
forces or demobilizing.

Figure 2-2. Structure of an insurgency or resistance movement
• Dissatisfaction with Political, Economic, Social, Administrative, and Other
Conditions; National Aspiration (Independence) or Desire for Ideological and Other
• Creating an Atmosphere of Wider Discontent Through Propaganda and Political
and Psychological Effects to Discredit the Government
• Agitation; Creation of Favorable Public Opinion (Advocating National Cause);
Creation of Distrust of Established Institution
• Increased Agitation, Unrest, and Disaffection; Infiltration of Administration,
Police, Military, and National Organizations, Boycotts, Slowdowns, and Strikes
• Infiltration of Foreign Organizers and Advisors and Foreign Propaganda,
Material, Money, Weapons, and Equipment
• Recruitment and Training of Resistance Cadres
• Penetration into Labour Unions, Student and National Organizations and all Parts
of Society
• Spreading of Subversive Organizations into All Sectors of Life of a Country
• Establishment of National Front Organizations and Liberation Movements; Appeal
to Foreign Sympathizers 
• Expansion of Front Organizations
• Intensification of Propaganda; Psychological Perpetration of Population for
• Overt and Covert Pressures Against Government (Strikes, Riots, and Disorder)
• Increased Underground Activities to Demonstrate Strength of Resistance
Organization and Weakness of Government
• Intense Sapping of Morale (Government, Administration, Police, Military)
• Increased Political Violence and Sabotage
• Minor Guerrilla Actions
• Large-Scale Guerilla Actions.

The methods in the manual examined in the preceding, from an official US government military resource is incredible in all its implications, to say the least the described operational tactics and methodology are being enacted in Syria and Iraq to perfection. The strategy employed by Obama in Syria specifically and even in Iraq, are not simply the methods of a “lame Duck”, president they are part and parcel of “official” United States Government policy even before Obama took office. Predictably the future president will continue to tow the line and may opt out of a large scale ground offensive, choosing instead to carry on in their own words, “the most cost effective war from 10,000 feet”.
