Van Jones the former Obama adminstration Green Jobs Czar, has joined forces with the Pachamama Alliance. Pachamama means Mother Earth .The Pachamama Alliance, in partnership with Fundación Pachamama, empowers indigenous people of the western Amazon basin to defend their territories and cultures. We partner with groups whose territories span the border regions of Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil and Colombia. This extends over tens of millions of acres of one of the most pristine and biodiverse ecosystems on Earth, a source of biological and medicinal wealth for all humanity, and home to people still deeply connected to their traditional ways of life.

Rights of Nature

We are building a global alliance of experts from around the world to bring forth the universal adoption and implementation of Rights of Nature, a legal concept we successfully championed for inclusion in Ecuador’s new Constitution in 2008—making Ecuador the first country in history to do so. (source The brief synopsis of certain goals of the Pachamam Alliance whose global aims, as per their own explanation they have allready began to advance. Pachamama is nothing more than a movement established by former Hippies, Radicals, and Marxist sympathizers who are now advancing the cause of Global government under the guise of environmentalism.
Founder Lynne Twist is a self described," global activist, fundraiser, speaker, consultant, and author — has dedicated her life to global initiatives that serve the best instincts in all of us".

After the international meeting of Pachamama Alliance Lyn and friends.

Lynne Twist has a penchant for all things Shamanic she is a practioner of Shamanism, the fact that they cloack their true intentions under a pseudo intellectual veneer, shows that these modern day pagans are also in the business of deception.

Examine the woman to the left of the page, in her hand she holds the globe. She is an artistic portrayal of Mother Earth/Pachamama. The logo of Pachama Alliance is very similiar, they have coopted the globe for a leaf. The result though is the same, honouring and protecting nature.
The indegineous AmerIndian art work at the bottom of the page shows a similiar motief, a mother goddess lovingly embracing the Earth. The Pachamama logo name and raison detre then is no mere coincidence but is a strategic and deliberate act, by Twist and co to influence the population of the planet to accept nature worship as a way of liffe. Many people today want to pretend that we live in a secular world yet we are surrounded by evidence that we live in a very spiritual world. However noble seeming the ideology espoused by Twist and her ilk may seem, they err terribly in attempting to elevate nature to a personality with human qualities. Nature is a alive yet nature is subordinate to man, man should protect and nurture the earth.
In our nurturence of our planet, nurture must never become adoration, created things are not Gods. Nature is not a personality and trees, animals, plants and rocks, are not equal to human beings. The utter idiocy of the philosophies espoused by people who are supposed to be educated is sometimes, to absurd to repeat.

The only spirituality or path to salvation for the earths populace is that which was laid down scripturally by Jesus the messiah.

The Green Tara a Hindu/Buddhist Bodhi Satva. The Green Tara is a mother goddess or Devi. She is called a saviourress or an Avatar . This goddess is the Hindu/Buddhist equivalent of Pachamama. In Shamanism the goddesses and heroines, are all the same spirits only the names change as the geographic region changes.
Today humanist' pagans who should come out plainly and call themselves what they are, have begun to implement through guile what they could never have accomplished during the sixties, the establishment of a global world order based on an anti Christian foundation, with socialism as its governing accord.


Lionzman said…
Van Jones a self described "Rowdy Nationalist", who supported revolutionary movements. Is at it again . The 21st century garb of pagan groups and 60's radicals, is fighting to preserve nature. The latest in their massive list of absurdities, their desire to legislate giving equal rights to the earth. They want to elevate nature to an equal status as humanbeings. THE BIBLE TEACHES THAT MAN WAS PUT ON THE EARTH TO SUBDUE IT!