Haiti’s reality under Pax Mexicana

The Medellin cartel absorbed Haiti into the transnational illicit drug trade of the Caribbean island chain in the late 1960s and early 1970s. In the decade of the 1990s Haiti served the interests of the transnational drug trafficking organisations (TDTOs) that were in the process of turning Haiti’s neighbour into the illicit drug capital of the Caribbean island chain as a result operatives of these TDTOs became residents of Haiti some even became citizens establishing a new chic in the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere. 

Noted for their 7/11s, gas stations, cambios, armored Escalades, militias and luxurious houses built like bunkers many of which survived the 2010 earthquake. These resident traffickers during the closing years of the 1990s and the early years of the 21st century turned Haiti into an illicit drug trafficking Wild West with no Marshall Dillon. In February 2004 the TDTOs of the Dominican Republic in conjunction with their employees and associates in Haiti funded and armed a rebel militia which was assembled in the Dominican Republic (DR) which invaded Haiti and removed President Jean-Bertrand Aristide from power. 

The US, Canada, France and the UN hurriedly intervened into Haiti in the aftermath of the drug coup to place limits on the power of the employers of the militia that overthrew Aristide. That is why the drug financed militia continues to wield power in areas outside of Port-au -Prince especially in the rural areas. That is why up to today they patrol Haiti with MINUSTAH troops, they are absorbed into the Haitian National Police (HNP) and are awaiting recruitment into the new Haitian army that President Martelly is dead set on re-creating. The drug militia was never disarmed and dispersed by MINUSTAH and the US the shot caller in Haiti. In the aftermath of the 2004 drug coup one of the leaders of the drug militia Guy Philippe who was a presidential candidate in the first presidential election in the aftermath of the drug coup was indicted by the US for drug trafficking and on two occasion operations were launched by the US to rendition Philippe without success and he remains at large today. 

In the aftermath of the 2004 coup and the coming of Pax Mexicana to Haiti the reality in Haiti has changed dramatically as Haiti now has thriving retail and wholesale drug markets with all the attendant gun violence. In Haiti there is now political violence which was always endemic to Haiti that mixes with drug violence and gang violence. The Haitian state cannot respond to the volume of product that the Mexican cartels move through Haiti given the chronic underdevelopment of the Haitian state and economy. Whilst MINUSTAH is present in Haiti to suppress with force where necessary popular rebellion against a neo-liberal order that enhances chronic poverty. Likewise the shot caller in Haiti is not concerned with the hegemony of Pax Mexicana in Haiti being more interested in ensuring Haiti’s compliance with a neo-liberal order and subservience to the west. 

To accomplish this Aristide and the popular movement has to be politically neutered. The power wielded by the TDTOs in February 2004 in removing an elected President placed them at the table where Haiti is carved up and now the Mexican cartels are at the table. The order of the Mexican cartels in Haiti now involves Haitian gangland as affiliates and a Jamaican gangland presence in Haiti as Haiti is now linked to Jamaica as it is to the DR, Turks and Caicos Islands and The Bahamas. And in all of this the nations of the west involved in Haitian affairs simply don’t see nor act on this reality. Haiti is today a player in the order of Pax Mexicana.

Regular readers of this Blog, may have noticed that Iam cross posting certain post’s from Daurius Figueria . Figueria’s work complements mine, not to mention the fact that he is one of the very few, Caribbean authors with a nuanced scientific approach within his field of endeavor. He was relieved of his post as a professor and lecturer at the University of the West Indies (UWI), in Trinidad and Tobago. Figueria paid the ultimate cost for his anti-establishment writing and he is still writing his anti-establishment discourse. See his manifold qualifications and work history below.

His officia lwebsite here: http://www.daurius.com/

 Name: Daurius Figueira Position: Lecturer

Qualifications: B A (Hons), MPhil (UWI)
Department: Behavioural Sciences
Tel. Contact: Ext 2671
E-mail: Daurius.Figueira@sta.uwi.edu
Courses taught:
CRMJ 6004 Terrorism and Political Violence
SOCI 3010 Industrial Sociology 2: Sociology of Industrial Relations
SOCI 3029 Caribbean Social Structure 2
Research interests:
The illicit trades in the Caribbean
Islam and military engagement with the West
Race and racism in the politics of Trinidad and Tobago and Guyana
The geopolitics of energy in Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuela
Publications: Books

Jihad in Trinidad and Tobago July 27th 1990”

“The Al Qaeda Discourse of the Greater Kufr”

“Exiting a Racist Worldview a Journey through Foucault, Said and Marx to Liberation”

“Simbhoonath Capildeo Father of Hindu Nationalism in Trinidad and Tobago”

“Cocaine and Heroin Trafficking in the Caribbean the case of Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica and Guyana”

“Cocaine and Heroin Trafficking in the Caribbean Volume 2 the case of Venezuela, Haiti and the Dominican Republic”

“Tubal Uriah Butler of Trinidad and Tobago Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana”

“The East Indian Problem in Trinidad and Tobago 1953-1961 Terror and Race War in Guyana1961-1964”

“The Politics of Racist Hegemony in Trinidad and Tonago”                       
