Photo of the young Trinidad man urging fellow Muslims in Trinidad to "terrorize the kafir".

Drastic changes are afoot throughout the Caribbean. Recent releases in the regional media attest to this incontrovertible fact. Three days ago a (today is August 5, 2016), damning article appeared in the Daily herald on Sint Maarten captioned “Martinique issues appeal to locate Rachid Rafaa”.  Rachid escaped house arrest on Morne Rouge, Martinique. The following day (8/3/2016), both of these articles appeared side by side in the daily mentioned previously:  “Minister concerned about ISIS threat in Caribbean” and Trinidadians held in Turkey for Alleged ISIS Involvement.   The information is damning for several reasons. The primary reason that information is as a result of the article in Dabiq issue #15, wherein an ISIS member whose operative duty, within the terrorist organization is to kill enemy combatant’s as a sniper. The article contained this photo. He said the following: “Alhamdulillah, I am currently one of many snipers in the ranks of the mujahidin here in the Caliphate. I head out regularly with
my team and get to take part in many fierce battles against the various enemies of the Islamic State.

The man shown in the photo not included here as yet. He was referred to in the article as Abu Sa’d at-Trinidadi. When asked in Dabiq: What message would you like to direct to
the Muslims of Trinidad? In the article he explicitly calls for suicide attacks in Trinidad: “The first part of my message is to those who claim Islam and yet blindly follow the muftis and imams: In calling you to vote for the taghut leaders they are calling you to commit kufr, yet you obey and follow them, thereby apostatizing. I say to you, fear Allah and return to the religion. Return to the book of Allah and the Sunnah of our beloved prophet, for they are sufficient for us as a guide. Do not become deluded and allow yourselves to follow these evil leaders. Read the biography of our beloved prophet so you can see how he dealt with various matters. Following the palace scholars is not from the religion of truth. Fear Allah as he should be feared, and wake up and come back to the true religion before it’s too late.
To those I know who have learned the sound creed, I say, what is the matter with you? You’ve been deceived and deluded by the devil. Years have gone by and you still haven’t performed hijrah to the land of Islam, your land, the place that we used to speak about and dream of. It has become a reality, and yet you’ve become from amongst those who remained behind. You wanted your children to live in a land where Allah’s law is the highest, yet you now remain in a place where you have no honor and are forced to live in humiliation, subjugated by the disbelievers. Do not be from those about whom Allah mentioned in the noble Qur’an. “Indeed, those whom the angels take [in death] while wronging themselves – [the angels] will say, ‘In what [condition] were you?’ They will say, ‘We were oppressed in the land.’ The angels will say, Was not the earth of Allah spacious [enough] for you ‘to emigrate therein?’ For those, their refuge is Hell – and evil it is as a destination” (An-Nisa 97). Who were they? They were the ones that did not perform hijrah to the land of Islam. I also say to you, my brothers, that you now have a golden opportunity to do something that many of us here wish we could do right now. You have the ability to terrify the disbelievers in their own homes and make their streets run with their blood. Where is your jealousy for the religion? They are bombing your brothers and sisters day and night in the land where Allah’s law is supreme. It is an obligation upon you to act and force them to think thrice before bombing the Muslims. Therefore, terrorize the disbelievers and make them feel fear everywhere, even in their own bedrooms. Due to their mere disbelief, their blood by default is lawful to spill. How much more obligatory is it to do so after they’ve waged war against the Muslims and killed their women and children. For this reason, amongst others, the Islamic State leadership emphasized the importance not to differentiate between disbelieving soldiers and their so-called “civilians.” Attack the interests of the Crusader coalition near you, including their embassies, businesses, and “civilians.” Burn down their government institutions just as they try to bomb our buildings where Allah’s law is upheld. Follow the example of the lions in France and Belgium, the example of the blessed couple in California, and the examples of the knights in Orlando and Nice. If you do so then your reward is with Allah and you will have no regrets when you meet Him. If, however, you abandon your brothers while continuing to live in the shade of an enemy at war with Islam, within a petty distance from many Crusader interests, then do not be shocked if Allah strips you of the speck of faith remaining in your dying hearts, as a punishment for your sin and insincerity”.

Trinidad as a result of its large Muslim population and the endemic racialism, between the Hindu community and the African Trinidad community, is a divided, racially polarized community. Endemic corruption within the police, judiciary and government along with porous borders, are all social realities that are conducive to the program of not only recruitment, but also direct attacks in a western theatre, containing high levels of Europeans, Americans and Canadians, all of whom are groups of people either resident, or travel to the region on a yearly basis as tourist’s. The abiding reality regionally is one of a highly penetrable soft target, allied to the American led coalition attacking the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL), in Iraq and Syria.

The ability of Caribbean governments to combat terrorism is minuscule and the ability and capabilities of terrorist entities, their proxies and affiliates to inflict damage, regionally is well documented and huge.
The man called Sa’d at-Trinidadi in the interview previously boasted that: “We would weigh all of our options as we awaited our opportunity for hijrah. At the same time, we knew that we couldn’t just sit and dream while doing nothing, so whenever the disbelievers in Trinidad would kill or harm a Muslim, we would take revenge. We would work to accumulate money in order to buy weapons and ammo. Alhamdulillah, we were successful in many operations, and this was only by Allah’s grace.
Abu ‘Abdillah, my wife, and I were arrested at one point, but the police weren’t able to make a case against us. We were nonetheless charged for possessing guns and ammunition. They seized my computer and phones and found the videos, books, and lectures on jihad. The taghut government of Trinidad then plotted against us, claiming that we were planning on assassinating the prime minister and a number of other ministers in order to cause chaos and panic in the country. That would have been an honor for us to attempt, but the reality of our operations was much smaller, as I described before. We were imprisoned for terrorism along with some Muslims who merely knew us as well as others whom we had never even met before. Alhamdulillah, they planned and plotted but Allah is the best of planners. They were unable to make a case against us and we were freed, by Allah’s permission, and despite being placed under surveillance, we went back to doing what we knew we had to do, commanding the good and prohibiting the evil. (The so called State of Emergency in Trinidad, the state claimed that criminals were fighting over drug turf, here the terrorist openly boast’s that it was him and his friends, who were responsible for eliminating those who had : “whenever the disbelievers in Trinidad would kill or harm a Muslim, we would take revenge”. I wrote many articles, showing the dangerous government practice in Trinidad of deliberately obfuscating the facts pertinent to reportage, of terrorist activity in Trinidad. Terrorist activity there is usually; called “criminal activity” and terrorists are referred to as criminals in an attempt to appear internationally, as a “safe”, country. The facts of the out of control crime wave and the known terrorist activity in Trinidad since the early, eighties is well known internationally and well documented. As I said the articles in the Herald are damning since they expose the inability of regional governments to combat terrorism. As I have indicated innumerably, tourism will all but cease to exist in this region, under a sustained terrorist campaign. Regional governments will be forced to cooperate on a variety of levels, including, regional security, intra-regional information exchanges, intra-regional travel, intra-regional import and exportation of goods and services, visa and work permit’s within the region and increasingly the exchange and sharing of profiles of Caribbean citizens involved in terrorist activity, or affiliated to terrorist organizations.
Dabiq: After making the decision to perform hijrah to the Levant with two of your closest friends, Abu ‘Abdillah and Abu ‘Isa, you experienced some delay. What happened?
Abu Sa’d at-Trinidadi: The three of us decided to make hijrah to the Levant and join the Islamic State after witnessing the plight of the Muslims in the Levant, but we had some unfinished business with some disbelievers who had wronged the Muslims in the community. Our tickets were already booked, and we were ready to depart within a week but we felt guilty leaving without finishing what needed to be taken care of. It was a difficult decision, and it was for this reason that we would later look back at this moment and say that perhaps it was a final test from Allah to see if we were worthy of being granted the honor of hijrah and jihad. As painful as it was, we decided to delay our hijrah, and there soon came an opportunity to exact revenge on the two kafir criminals we were hunting.
The operation was carried out in the middle of the city in broad day light and was caught on camera. It wasn’t our plan for it to occur that way, but it happened according to Allah’s decree. Following the operation, Abu ‘Abdillah and Abu ‘Isa were arrested, and I went into hiding. We decided that we had to leave Trinidad nonetheless because nothing was going to stop our hijrah, by Allah’s permission. Once more, Allah bestowed a tremendous favor on us as Abu ‘Isa was released pending investigation. Abu ‘Abdillah was also released and we left Trinidad one-by-one. I left first along with my wife, followed by Abu ‘Abdillah, and then Abu ‘Isa, and we met up in Venezuela. We had missed our original flights so we had to stay there for some time until we were able to book new flights”.

The future of the Caribbean depends on the full cooperation of governments on a scale never before witnessed, in this region. The habit of depending on western European countries, America and Canada, no longer can suffice, a hands on regional approach is the only solution to the very real issue of Caribbean terrorism and terrorist organizations in the region.   
