The following is from the National Intelligence Council from December 2004, published in a 123 page unclassified intelligence report entitled, “Mapping the Global Future”: “A New Caliphate provides an example of how a global movement fueled by radical religious identity politics could constitute a challenge to Western norms and values as the foundation of the global system.” The actual report presents a fictional scenario based on a fictional letter of a grandson of Bin Laden to a relative in 2020. What would be the logical intent of a fictional “classified” report, predicting a future Caliphate in the Middle East? Presently the “fictional report”, is gaining a spectral credence in the fictitious Islamic Caliphate of Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi. The following is from the actual report in question: “The fictional scenario portrayed below provides an example of how a global movement fueled by radical religious identity could emerge.
Under this scenario, a new Caliphate is proclaimed and manages to advance a powerful counter ideology that has widespread appeal.
It is depicted in the form of a hypothetical letter from a fictional grandson of Bin Ladin to a family relative in 2020.
He recounts the struggles of the Caliph in trying to wrest control from traditional regimes and the conflict and confusion which ensue both within the Muslim world and outside between Muslims and the United States, Europe, Russia and China. While the Caliph’s success in mobilizing support varies, places far outside the Muslim core in the Middle East—in Africa and Asia—are convulsed as a result of his appeals.
The scenario ends before the Caliph is able to establish both spiritual and temporal authority over a territory— which historically has been the case for previous Caliphates. At the end of the scenario, we identify lessons to be drawn.”(“Mapping the Global Future”.  p. 83)

The so called lessons learnt are highlighted above. The “report”, was presented to the White House, the Pentagon, the US Congress and allied American Nations. What the narrative really boils down to is a concrete view of US-NATO military doctrine. Dick Cheney the now rarely talked about (at least in the corporate media), primary architect of George Bush’s “Global War on Terror” said the following concerning the Islamic Caliphate: “They talk about wanting to re-establish what you could refer to as the Seventh Century Caliphate. This was the world as it was organized 1,200, 1,300 years ago, in effect, when Islam or Islamic people controlled everything from Portugal and Spain in the West; all through the Mediterranean to North Africa; all of North Africa; the Middle East; up into the Balkans; the Central Asian republics; the southern tip of Russia; a good swath of India; and on around to modern day Indonesia. In one sense from Bali and Jakarta on one end, to Madrid on the other.”The NIC report stated that the establishment of an Islamic State/Caliphate will precipitate a new wave of terrorist attacks, with their points of origin being Muslim countries, thereby justifying an escalation in America’s “Global War on Terror”. It is uncanny how an ostensibly fictional report, from the year 2004 is seeing it’s attempted creation, in the Islamic States’ declaration of their Caliphate, the uncanny similarities in the Islamic State and the scenario spelled out in the report lends credence, in some people’s minds to the claims, in the alternative media, that the US intelligence community is behind the creation of IS. Whether the aforementioned is true or not, the almost prophetic “fictional report”, which was once classified and only available to “top-officials”, affords a rare view, into the US governments policy, pertaining to the Middle East, it proves that the US was poised since before 2004 and is now actively engaged in a long-term strategic militaristic campaign, in Middle Eastern countries, with the end-game being to restructure and recreate governments favorable to the American position. Notwithstanding Barrack Obama’s vaunted troop withdrawals from Afghanistan and Iraq, respectively the US still has “boots”, on the ground in the form of their advisers and their Sunni Arab proxies, including the presence of the nefarious CIA, who is in control of the US government drone program globally.

Image: The above is excerpted from a declassified secret US government document obtained by the conservative public interest law firm, Judicial Watch, showing that Western governments deliberately allied with al-Qaeda and other Islamist extremist groups to topple Syrian dictator Bashir al-Assad.

The careful nurturance of al-Qaeda and it’s allied groups, it has been shown in the report, was a coherent US strategy which eventually led to the conditions ideal for the emergence of the Islamic State, whose raison d’être is the “ establishing of a Salafist principality” i.e. a Sunni Salafist Caliphate. The scenario is being repeated adinfinitum presently the US government is funding “moderate rebels” in Syria who are al-Qaeda linked meaning their ideology is similar to that of al-Qaeda. The insanity of the US governments foreign policy in claiming to be fighting al-Qaeda in Iraq while simultaneously supporting al-Qaeda affiliated groups in Syria is mind boggling to say the least. Could this seemingly madness have a method to it? Most naturally it does several clear reasons come to mind the most pressing are oil and gas, another made known by four star General Wesley Clark is the by known well known fact that,   the U.S. and her allies have wanted to break up the nations of Iraq and Syria for decades.  Their instrument in the realization of such is the Islamic State, when examined in context the apparent schizophrenic US “Foreign Policy”, becomes lucid along with the realization that all this implies, the one glaring fact, that America is the number 1 state sponsor of terrorism globally seems to escape many in the US corporate media, government, judiciary, military and any other branch of government that one can think of. The citizens of the world are taking note though, no one but the most deluded even entertains in this 21st century the delusion that America is the world’s moral barometer, as if it ever was no one nation should ever delude itself into thinking such, what the majority of earth’s populace is seeking is guaranteed collective security, enforced by a collective body not some gung-ho “world police”. Even China is mocking America’s vaunted claims of an exemplary human-rights record which shatters in the face of America’s history and its present reality, if a country with China’s abysmal human rights record can comfortably and convincingly mock America for its treatment of African Americans et al, then the situation is grimmer than many dare admit. 
