The events taking place now in Iraq and Syria were predetermined by historical precedent, sectarian, ethnic and religious differences and in modern times the vastly convoluted and schizophrenic character of American foreign policy. To fully examine the themes postulated in the captions of this essay, I will attempt to unearth historical evidence, which will establish from whence the present doctrines, ideologies and creeds holding sway in the theatre shown on the map above sprang from. Beginning with Iran I will quote from my book “Shamanic Esoteric Culture as a Global Value System and its Antithesis Apostolic Culture”: The history of Iran/Persia is vast and rich, marked by dynastic epochs. The advent of Islam in Persia ended the history of ancient Persia, with the overthrow of the Sassanian dynasty in A.D. 641 by Arab Muslims. In the 8thcentury, the entire plateau, had been overrun and was under the authority of the Umayyad/Omayyad caliphs”.

The Umayyads/Omayyads, reigned from Medina and Damascus as overlords of their Persian subjects. From 750 to 1258: the Abbasids, who reigned from Baghdad, succeeded The Umayyads.The Iranians developed Twelver Shiism and Sufism. Sufism proliferates in Mali, Senegal and Mauritania (all black African societies steeped in Shamanism who see a kindred spirit in Sufism which is not true Islam, but an ecstatic Shamanic cult). Many other dynasties sprang up in Iran, the 8th century Seljuk dynasty being one of the most known in the West. The Seljuk’s were Sunni’s and oppressed the Shia sect particularly the followers of Al-Hasan ibn al-Sabbah, his followers were called, “Assassins”, in the West.  The Qajar dynasty the precursor of the Pahlavi’s was headed by Agha Muhammad who was succeeded by his nephew, Fath Ali Shah (r. 1797-1834), along with five subsequent Qajars up to 1925, which saw the demise of the Qajars. Soon after the deposition of the Qajars changes directed from, mainly Europe, specifically Britain and Russia began occurring.  In the 19th century the Iranian Caucasian regions were lost, those regions are today, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia.
The Iranian Caucasus provinces were seized by Russia, the large Muslim communities in each of the afore mentioned provinces attest’s to their Islamic influences under Iranian dominion.  Britain began in the same period increasingly stepping up its control and later total dominance of the Persian Gulf. In the latter part of the 19th century, Afghanistan and Central Asia fell under British and Russian Hegemony respectively, two regions that historically fell under Iranian influence. Iranian sovereignty was severely weakened, by the competition, between Russia and Britain for concessions and loans to the Iranian government. In 1891, mass strikes, were organized by Iranians, one particular strike, saw workers demonstrating against a Tobacco concession,the Shah gave to a British company.Imperialist Britain and Russia openly displayed their contempt for the Iranian Majlis, Iranian cities and towns were periodically occupied: local political leaders were imprisoned and executed, by the British and Russians. Britian and Russia then presented ultimatums for the cessation of policies detrimental to their goals. In 1917, Britain tried without success to make Iran a Britsish protectorate.  In 1920 Britain recruited and funded a pro-British Iranian “journalist”, to orchestrate a coup detat in Iran. One of the participants in the 1921 coup was Riza Khan a commander in the Cossack Brigade. Khan rapidly emerged as Iran’s most influential political figure by exerting his influence over the men under his command in the Cossack Brigade. Khan wanted to create a republic. The Shiite clergy opposed his idea, fearing that he would secularize the country as was being done in Turkey. He did succeed in persuading the clerics and the Majlis to depose the Qajars and accept him as the Shah of a new dynasty that he called the Pahlavi dynasty. Riza Khan became Riza Sha and introduced a series of economic policies, accompanied by various social programs. A public education system was created a state run, secular court system was established, and laws were passed mandating European dress styles in public for both men and women, making the fears of the Shia clergy valid and in the process creating a potent enemy.   The Shah was aligned diplomatically with, Germany, France and America as a means of countering British influence. Britain issued the Shah an ultimatum in 1941, during World War II, over his German alliance since Germany was embroiled in a protracted war with Britain. Imperialist Britain along with Russia invaded Iran, defeated the army, and forced the Shah to abdicate, sending him to exile under British “custody/arrest”. The preceding is an illustration of how, countries with diametrically opposing ideologies unite for the attainment of shared goals. The British and Soviets in Iran employed the Hegelian dialectic.
The Hegelian dialectic was used in the past and it is still being used today. President Obama and his cabinet are willing to form a coalition of nations today that may include Iran, as a deterrent to the advance of ISIS in Iraq and Syria. Only months ago Obama and his cohorts were vehemently opposed to the loosening of their embargos in Iran. The Egyptians have been, approached by America, to help form their coalition, yet Egypt is a military dictatorship by anyone’s standard. The clouded Western “foreign policy”, which is a vasilitating policy, and a self-serving cowardly policy, will only continue to strengthen groups like ISIS’ resolve against Western ideology, spreading in their countries, which only legitimizes the calls for jihād. The primary objective of the Soviets in invading Iran was to secure control of the Trans-Iranian Railway, which linked ports in the Persian Gulf with Soviet railheads in the Caucasus region, thus providing a means of transport for Soviet raw materials and other goods to the Soviet Union. In 1942 America joined in the occupation of Iran, providing 30, 0000 troops whose objective was maintaining the railroad. During this, time the Majlis re-emerged as a political force. The Iranians wanted the British out of the South, where their oil fields were located.
 In 1951, the Majlis named Muhammed Musaddiq, a Marxist as Prime Minister; he promptly nationalized the oil industry. Britain held a virtual monopoly on Iranian oil, organized an international boycott of Petroleum from Iran. The British enforced their boycott with the navy. In 1953, Britain with US backing organized a coup, Musaddiq was deposed and the puppet Shah, was reinstated (Kermit Roosevelt grandson of Teddy Roosevelt, led a terrorist insurgency in Iran against Musaddiq, during the presidency of General turned President Dwight Eisenhower).  With the puppet Shah in power, America and Britain swiftly moved to force a treaty on the Iranians, where a consortium of British, American and other foreign oil companies would produce and market Iranian oil. With the Western puppet Muhammad Riza Pahlavi in power, Britain and America held a strong monopoly position in Iran and the rest of the Middle East.  From 1962, he supported a major land reform program that resulted in the redistribution of almost half of the cultivated land to peasants who had been farming it as sharecroppers for absentee landlords. The Shah called his land reform program the “White Revolution”. The reforms extended to including women in the electorate, adult literacy campaigns, improving the quality of life in villages, the introduction of minimum wage laws, and the nationalization of natural resources. The billions of dollars from oil revenues allowed the government to pursue its ambitious plans more vigorously. The Shia clergy, secularist’s and an educated cadre who stood with the clergy, became increasingly distressed with the Westernization of Iran under the Shahs.
The Shia clergy began inceasingly to participate in anti-government politics in the early 1960’s.
One of the leaders in the anti-government movement was Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.  Khomeini gained national prominence when he began preaching against the Shahs policies.
Because of his sermonizing he was arrested in 1963, his arrest set off a series of large demonstrations in several cities. Several hundred demonstrators were killed when, the army moved to suppress the demonstrations. In 1964, Khomeini was deported into foreign exile.
the demise of the Shah, was an inevitability. The massive demonstrations in Iran increased in frequency and participation; in 1978, one such demonstration attracted over a million people, who were active participants. The overwhelming crowds, were beyond the ability of the army to contain, vastly outnumbered, the soldiers absconded from their ranks and joined the protesters.
The Shah left Iran in 1979 and went into exile, as a result of the overwhelmingly volatile   response from the Iranian people to his policies. Khomeini returned to Iran two weeks after the Shah left the country. Khomeini was hailed as Iran’s supreme leader he was made (Grand Ayatollah), upon his return in February 1979.  1979 also saw the “hostage crisis”, in Iran when Iranian students held Americans hostage who worked in the American embassy in Tehran. Since 1979, America suspended all diplomatic ties with Iran.
From that time until his death Khomeini pursued a course of the Islamization of Iranian society, women were once again forced to wear full Hijab’s in public. Many Iranians who were dissatisfied with the new regime left the country for the West. The present situation in Iran was shaped by the events described previously, the title of “Islamic Republic”, is one that Iran has claimed for itself and rightfully so, since in the past and at present clergy have not only decided the political climate of Iran, but they have actually sat as presidents of Iran. Not even Saudi Arabia the birthplace of the prophet of Islam can claim that it is ruled by a Muslim clerical society. The Twelver Shia sect which holds sway in Iran, is a messianic apocalyptic system , which holds that the “Twelfth Imam” will appear in an end of days scenario to rescue the “true believers” and destroy all “infidels’ and establish in the process, the (true interpretation) of Islam throughout the earth. Theocratic government is what most “Islamic republics” are claiming to represent. The Grand Ayatollah Seyyed RuhollahMosavi Khomeini,
commonly known as the Ayatollah Khomeini. Before Osama Bin Ladin, there was Khomeini; “the man who made the West tremble”.Khomeini issued many fatwas (religious edicts), some of which I will include here, and a few excerpts of some of his most famous speeches.

 “Islam is a religion of those who struggle for truth and justice, of those who clamour for liberty and independence.  It is the school of those who fight against colonialism”.

“Jihad means the conquest of all non-Muslim territories. Such a war may well be declared after the formation of an Islamic government worthy of that name, at the direction of the Imam or under his orders. It will then be the duty of every able-bodied adult male to volunteer for this war of conquest, the final aim of which is to put Quranic law in power from one end of the earth to the other”. 

Europe (the West) is nothing but a collection of unjust dictatorships; all of humanity must strike these troublemakers with an iron hand if it wishes to regain its tranquillity. If Islamic civilization had governed the West, we would no longer have to put up with these barbaric goings-on unworthy even of wild animals”.

Fatawa on impure and pure: By the Grand Ayatollah Mosaveni Khomeini.

“A child who has not reached puberty is impure if his parents and grandparents are not Muslims, but if he has one, Muslim in his ancestry he is pure”.

“There are eleven things, which are impure: urine, excrement, sperm, bones, blood, dogs, pigs, non-Muslim men and women, wine, beer, and the sweat of the excrement-eating camel.

Wine and all other intoxicating beverages are impure, but opium and
Hashish are not”.
A father or a paternal grandfather has the right to marry off a child
who is insane or who has not reached puberty by acting as its representative. The child may not annul such a marriage after reaching puberty or regaining his sanity, unless the marriage is to his
manifest disadvantage”.

“If a wife has her marriage annulled because her husband is unable to have sexual relations with her either vaginally or anally, he must pay her as damages one-half of the dowry specified in the marriage contract”.

The Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini was a messianic figure, who was so revered by Shia Muslims in Iran, that during his funeral procession the bereaved mourners massed in the streets in the hundreds of thousands. Throngs of men and young boys walked in the streets, while some flogged themselves others cut their foreheads open until they bled profusely, with knives, swords and chains. The rabid masses at one point threw the coffin containing Khomeini’s corpse on the ground and began to literally tear the corpse to pieces, wanting to keep a piece of the man they revered. No other leader in the 20th century inspired such fanatical devotion. The power that Khomeini wielded was, daunting, frightening and awe-inspiring, his type of power sprang from religious fervour and zeal taken to an extreme, which always produce fanaticism. Khomeini coined the phrases Great Satan and Little Satan in reference to the United States of America and Israel respectively. Tatbir (Arabic), known in Iran as Qama Zani. Tatbir was performed during the funeral of the Grand Ayatollah Mosavi Khomeini. Tatbir is a blood ritual wherein self flagellation and self mutilation is practiced, striking ones head with a sword until blood gushes forth and self flagellation with a belt resembling a cat o nine, tipped with specially made knives designed for the purpose. Tatbir is unique to Shiism, and traditionally was done and is still done in commemoration of Imam Hussain (son in law of Muhammed) and his family who were slaughtered by other Muslims in a religious war.  Out of that schism Shiism emerged the Sunni doctrine predates Shiism, and was as a direct result of followers of Imam Hussein elevating him to a near “sacred”, status. The Islamic State at present claims to be at war with Shia Muslims because of their practise of Tatbir amongst other things but specifically, they list Tatbir as one of the most significant Shia doctrines that in the doctrine of IS makes Shia’s, not true Muslims but Kufar.

(For the history of the land constituting modern Iraq prior to the Persian conquest, see Mesopotamia: Ancient Civilization).
In 539 B.C.  Cyrus the Great overthrew the Chaldeans and incorporated Mesopotamia into the Persian Achemenid Empire Achemenid rule lasted until the military conquest’s of Alexander the Great, between 324 and 327 B.C.   One hundred years later the area was absorbed into the Parthian Empire.  The Parthian Empire survived until a new force out of Iran arose, the Sassanid’s conquered the region in A.D. 227. Sassanid rule stretched from eastern Iran to the Syrian desert and Anatolia. Under the Sassanid’s Mesopotamia saw a decline in its civilization that lasted for some 400 years.  In the Arab conquest in 635 the Sassanid’s were decisively defeated by the Arab armies at the battle of Qadisisya, and by the late 640’s many of the areas inhabitants had been converted from Christianity to Islam. After the death of Prophet Muhammed acute rivalries and disagreements erupted over, who would succeed him as caliph (the Islamic State which is a millenarian semi religious group, with a political sectarianist salafist creed, seeks legitimacy by proclaiming its caliphate is based on the prophetic methodology of Muhammad). When the Syrian based Umayyad dynasty seized control of the Islamic empire in 661 and shifted its political centre from Medina to Damascus, a lasting schism would unfold, that definitively defined Islam along sectarian lines, up till contemporary times. Many of Iraq’s inhabitants remained followers of Imam Ali Hussein (Muhammad’s) son in law. Ali ruled briefly as Caliph from (656-661). Ali’s followers were known as shi’at Ali (Ali’s Party). The breach between the Shia and the Umayyads was an important factor in the defeat of the Umayyads by the Abbasids in 750. Under Abbasids Baghdad became the seat of government and the center of an Islamic empire that extended from Morocco to northern India. The building up of Baghdad is attributed to the caliph al-Mansur (754-775). However, by the end of the ninth century the empire had begun to fall apart, the rulers in Baghdad lost all authority over the rest of the Islamic world.
In 1258 the Abbasids were overthrown by the Mongols under Hulagu Khan. Khan sacked Baghdad and brought devastation to the area. A second Mongol invasion under Timor took place in 1401, but his rule lasted only till 1405. The Iranian based Safavids overran Iraq in 1509. They made Shia Islam causing the Ottoman Turks to fear its expansion into their sphere of dominion which was predominantly Sunni. The Ottoman Turks (the Ottoman Empire), ruled the Iraqi provinces from 1534 to the 18th century. Their hegemony over the region lasted almost 400 years. Iraq was far from the central command of the Turks’ capital in Istanbul, local rulers seeing the tenuous, sometimes non-existent Turkish control asserted their authority in the power vacuum. In the late 19th century the Ottoman’s began to re-assert their hegemonic monopoly regionally. Early in the 20th century ideology, from the “Arab Awakening” (sounds familiar?), began to filter into Iraq from Syria amongst other ME countries. A significant number of Iraqi’s were attracted to the secret societies in Istanbul that were clamouring for federal status for the Arab provinces of the Ottoman Empire. In 1914, when Turkey sided with the Central Powers and Britain launched an invasion of southern Iraq and by the end of the war in 1918 Britain controlled most of the territory in Iraq. The modern state of Iraq was created by the British in 1920, out of the three Ottoman provinces of Basra, from which they had previously detached Kuwait, Mosul, and Baghdad. British rule was sanctioned by the San Remo Conference in April 1920, which gave Britain a League of Nations mandate over Iraq. In 1921 Britain designated Faisal, the son of Sharif Husain of Mecca as king of an “independent” Iraq, his “kingship” was predicated on him helping the British with their manufactured “Arab Revolt of 1916”, much like today’s American manufactured “Arab Spring” (the US-engineered “Arab Spring”).    

C.I.A. Subsidized Festival Trips: Hundreds of Students Were Sent to World Gatherings, The New
York Times, February 21, 1967

In 1932 Iraq attained, “formal independence” yet the country remained indentured to Britain by an unequal treaty of alliance; the real power lay in the British embassy. The colonialist imperialist employed in Africa by its European colonizers, was carried out to perfection in ME countries, and has been perfected by the crafty Americans in their quest for global hegemony. Iraq’s prominence as per the imperialist thinking lay in the fact, that it is strategically positioned on the route to India and its function as an important military base and communications centre. Additionally Iraq presided over substantial oil reserves, over which a concession had been given in 1925 to an Anglo-Franco-American consortium; the Turkish-in 1929 renamed Iraqi-Petroleum Company (IPC).  (Will be continued).     
